Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Patti, In Her Own Words:

Here is my story: I have lost 88 pounds in 33 weeks! My Type-2 diabetes is gone, my high blood pressure is gone, and so is my plantar fasciitis. My internist said to me, "You have not only added to the quantity of your life, but you have added immeasurably to the quality of your life." She is right. With this program I found my way home....only to no home I have ever been able to live in before. My life is completely different now thanks to this healthy, fast, easy, life-changing program!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jean, In Her Own Words!!

My story starts back in September 2010. At that time I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch. My knees hurt so bad I could barely make it to the back of the grocery store. But I have 2 active young teenagers that need me. I knew I could not go on like this. I also had high blood pressure and was pre diabetic. I was only 46 years old and things were not going to get any better unless I did something about it now. My mother told me about this program and without hesitation I started the next day. I thought for sure I was going to fail just like all the other methods, but I had to prove it first. I have lost a total of 115 lbs. It has completely changed my life forever. I always thought I was happy when I was obese, but now I truly know what happy is. I am off blood pressure medicine and I am no longer pre diabetic. My knee pain improved and I am walking 3-6 miles a day!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Me, On Swimsuit Season:

In the photo on the left was taken in the Bahamas. I could barely smile. My food allergies were out of control. My PCOS was causing me all kinds of physical pain. I hated every single thing I had to wear. Walking on sand killed body and left me exhausted. I felt SO slow next to my in-shape friends and I was too tired to cope. I'd bought that swimsuit from Spanx, because believe it or not, it was really slimming. It wasn't comfortable, but it was pretty, and my favorite color, and I was clutching at straws. I remember marveling every night on that trip how I could be so miserable on such a dream vacation.

The picture on the right was taken yesterday, Memorial day at Coney Island. I hadn't planned on going, but when the weather was so gorgeous I happily trip-tropped there. I bought the suit online, it fit straight out of the box. I love it. It doesn't have tricksy body hiding things about it, and it makes me feel free and happy to be alive, that could be due to the polka dots and the color, but it's most likely due to the fact that I'm 65 pounds lighter than I was last swimsuit season. I'll reach my absolute dream goal weight before next swimsuit season, but I plan to live this one to the fullest, and I cannot wait to show off my tan!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jacquie, In Her Own Words:

"I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Shortly after I got married I gained about 50 pounds. I read every book and tried every diet, but I just ended up losing and gaining the same 10-15 pounds over a
nd over again for 12 years. My goal was to just reach a healthy weight; I wasn't being unrealistic, but was disappointed again and again.
Then I was diagnosed with stage 2 health became much more important to me so I contacted my health coach. I really thought this would be just another diet that I would fail. I told her I'd try it for 1 month and see how it went...I am SO thankful I did!

I have lost 60 pounds and 31 inches of fat, but I have never been happier or felt healthier. There is so much more to this program than just weight loss. Now, for me, weight loss is the bonus to the support and feeling of health and happiness I experience every day. I'd been hiding, and now I have confidence that I thought I'd never get back."

Friday, May 11, 2012

On the Count of 1.....2......

Denise, In Her Own Words:

I'm so happy I can't help but share! 17 weeks ago I started a new journey and I've already lost 60LBS!!  

I was so excited I asked a random lady at the store to take my picture with how much weight I've lost in bags of potatoes! I started doing this with the first 10 lbs and just keep adding! I could hardly hold them up let alone walk around with them....FORGET THAT! I can't believe I used to carry that extra weight EVERYDAY and didn't have the option of just setting them down. I left the store feeling proud that people were cheering me on with smiles instead of staring at me with snarls. Best grocery shopping day ever!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Aimee, In Her Own Words

I found this program. I signed up with my amazing coach, and never looked back! Having support and accountability has been so helpful, and she has been there every step of the way for me! The weight loss has been wonderful, but it is only a small part of my success. I actually love running now, I am alert and happy when I get up in the morning, I am focused, more productive, and just overall very happy! I know the energy I have is because I am eating right, and my body is getting what it needs.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Linda, In Her Own Words

This before picture is what started it all. I looked in the mirror every day of my life but didn't “see” myself as I was. I was always much slimmer looking in my mind than I was. When I saw this picture, it was my “aha” moment. I am a firm believer in this plan and have had success not only in weight loss, but as a result of weight loss, my doctor has reduced both medications in half and my fasting blood sugar is not a problem. I love my health coach. It is the best program ever!